Why build this site?
While formatting JSON data from my log files, I found it tricky to decode the nested parts. So, I built this site to make my life easier! If it helps others too, that’s even better!
See how Next JSON effortlessly decodes multiple levels of encoded JSON strings with just one click. No more manual decoding
Decode a JSON string containing escaped quotes and nested objects.
{ "user": "{\"name\":\"John\",\"age\":30}", "status": "active" }
{ "user": { "name": "John", "age": 30 }, "status": "active" }
Flat deeply nested JSON strings with multiple levels of encoding.
{ "level1": "{\"level2\": \"{\\\"key\\\": \\\"value\\\"}\"}" }
{ "level1": { "level2": { "key": "value" } } }
Process arrays containing multiple encoded JSON strings.
{ "items": [ "{\"id\":1,\"value\":\"first\"}", "{\"id\":2,\"value\":\"second\"}" ] }
{ "items": [ { "id": 1, "value": "first" }, { "id": 2, "value": "second" } ] }
While formatting JSON data from my log files, I found it tricky to decode the nested parts. So, I built this site to make my life easier! If it helps others too, that’s even better!
No, this site does not store or share your data in the cloud. Your data remains private and is kept locally on your broswer.
Nested JSON strings often occur when JSON data is serialized multiple times, such as when storing JSON in databases or passing it through multiple systems. Decoding is necessary to access and work with the actual data structure rather than dealing with escaped string representations.
This tool automatically detects and recursively decodes JSON strings at any depth of nesting. It can handle scenarios where JSON has been encoded multiple times, carefully preserving the data structure while removing escape characters and converting string representations back into proper JSON objects.
Yes, the decoder can process arrays containing multiple encoded JSON strings. It will iterate through array elements and decode any JSON strings it finds, maintaining the array structure while properly parsing each encoded element.
Yes, we welcome all suggestions! Please feel free to share your feedback using the link below.